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6th International Dorì Day
6th International Dorì Day
6th International Dorì Day
Dorì Kiwi
Dorì Kiwi
The Golden Kiwi

What is Dorì

Dorì is a variety of yellow pulpy actinidia born from the all-Italian research between the University of Udine and University of Bologna after a long period started in the year 2000, of observations in the experimental fields of Cadriano (Bologna).
The variety named AC 1536 from the number of the experimental plant's mother plant.

Dorì - The Five Flavours of Taste

Main characteristics:

a. early-harvest 35/40 days before Hayward
b. long conservation
c. fruit size - average over 100g
d. homogeneity of maturation
e. high degree brix and dry matter
f. intense yellow color at the right level of ripeness

Why Dorì brand? We want to guarantee the traceability of the product, from the plant to the customer according to strict production regulations.
The kiwi is harvested at the right degree of ripeness and stored in cells.

A lot of Kiwi in a single branch

Dorì Kiwi

Latest News


Dorì is produced in all the areas of the Italian territory and in particular Lazio, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Piemonte.
All the production started in France, Spain, Portugal and Chile. This last country ensore availability all over the year.

Initial project

1.000 hectares for each hemisphere by 2019

Current Situation

From February 2016 till now:
320 were planted,
300 of which in Italy,
12 in France and 8 in Spain

Southern hemisphere

65 hectares were planted in Chile;
150 hectares are scheduled for the next 12 months

Orchard in Chile


Consorzio Dori Europe was born from the initiative of the company Summerfruit, seated in Castel Bolognese - province of Ravenna - Italy - holding the development rights of the kiwifruit variety AC 1536 since 2013.
Dori is the nice and telling name of the commercial brand that Summerfruit wanted to give to this special yellow-fleshed fruit with a unique taste.

Three primary Italian companies and one French company joined immediately, with the aim of developing orchards of the variety, and being able to promptly enter the international markets, something that has already happened with fruit exports destined to France, Spain, Greece, Germany, China, Argentina, Australia, Brazil.

The companies making up Dori Europe Consortium are:

- Summerfruit srl

- Granfrutta Zani

- Kiwi Uno Spa

- F.lli Clementi

- Summerkiwi France

Several other companies associated with these ones will have the possibility both to plant orchards of the variety and to carry out the packaging of the product.

The Goal

The goal is to reach at least 1.000 hectares of the AC1536 variety in the European Union by 2020 in order to satisfy the many enquiries!

Indeed DORI is very suitable both for European and for Asian taste, since it preserves a range of aromas recalling to more fruits like pineapple, blueberry, strawberry, apricot etc. Everbody can dream up with the taste of Dorì according to their liking!

You can contact our consortium visiting the web site

How to become part of the DORI world:

The manufacturer must contact the offices of the license holder Summerfruit or one of the associated companies or co-marketers.


Summerfruit srl - RA
Granfrutta Zani - RA
Kiwi Uno Spa - CN
F.lli Clementi - BZ
Frutta C2 - VR
D e D Frutta - VR
Minguzzi - RA
O.P. Monte -RC
Kiwiny BIO -TV
Zeoli Fruit - LT


Summerkiwi France - dep.64
Sofruileg - dep.64
Sapa Rouquette - dep.47
Lorifruit -dep.26 




International Dori Day

2019 - IV International Dori Day

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

2018 - III International Dori Day


Live from Dori Field

Talk Kiwi Dori 01

Talk Kiwi Dori 02

2017 - II International Dori Day

1° part

2° part

3° part

4° part

2016 - I International Dori Day

1° part

2° part

3° part

4° part



13 photos


12 photos


Dorì International srl
Via Farosi, 435
48014 Castel Bolognese (RA) Italy

Tel. +39 0546.55829 - Fax +39 0546.65471